Original Format: 16mm-SILENT-Color, 500 Feet
Running Time 18 minutes, 47 seconds Creator: Father Ed Sullivan Title: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, New London, 1943 Summary description in order of appearance: Backyard-wagons, floats, clowns Back-yard, spec line up and Emment Kelly Back-yard, performers and clowns Back-yard, elephants and spec exit, aerial ballet & sitters Back-yard, exit of floats Back-yard, hand-balancer and other performers Band on Liberty Bandwagon, spec, Two Jesters Calliope, elephants Cage wagons, clown band, horses Menage horse in back-yard performing Back-yard cage wagons, entrance of sitters and aerial ballet Inside the big top, web act Public seated and Liberty horses Spec inside big top Elephants and clown walk-around (dark) Inside big top, spec Back-yard, clowns Back-yard, wagons and spec props Back-yard, performers and spec coming out Menage horse |