CWM FM 326
The extended length of this footage has required this film to be broken into four parts.
Part 1
The extended length of this footage has required this film to be broken into four parts.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Original Format: Black/white, silent, 16mm film
Running Time: approx. 60 minutes
Creator: DeBaugh, Dan
Title: “Dan DeBaugh presents the World’s Largest Circus in Action.”
Dan Debaugh was an advertising man from Chicago who had worked on the Ringling Bros
and Barnum & Bailey Circus prior to setting up his own agency. This film is possibly an advertising
reel for the circus, with footage taken from several years between 1928 and 1933.
The extended length of this footage has required this film to be broken into four parts.
Summary description in order of appearance:
Part 1
Circus train, loaded flat cars, canvas covered cannon truck, etc.
Unloading horses from railroad stock cars
Circus train, more loaded flat cars
Setting runs, unloading wagons from flats, pull-away team
Baggage horse teams ready to start day’s work at train
Unloading elephants, camels, ring stock horses from stock cars
Light plant wagon
Sideshow bally, bannerline, Hawaiians, Clyde Ingalls “talking”
Office wagon, executives
Spreading big top canvas, activity on showgrounds
Stake driver, sledge gang, lacing big top, laying it out
Menagerie tent partway up, pushing in quarter poles in the big top, rain clouds
Muddy lot scenes
Backyard, unloading props., carrying aerial rigging into big top
Elephant herd and George Denman, lead stock, Chicagoskyline, elephants
Part 2
Crowded midway, large crowds, happy kids
Hippopotamus den pushed by elephant
Panoramic sweep of entire circus grounds, the “canvas city”
Red office wagon, washday, “connections,” ticket wagon window
Backyard, tournament, readying, entering, breaking up: “Garland entry”
Clyde Beatty Wild Animal Act (taken at Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus and spliced in here)
Goliath the giant sea elephant
John Ringling
Ubangis walking on hippodrome track inside tent
Clown fire department
Inside the dining tent
Aerial bar act
Part 3
Lillian Leitzel the featured aerialist performs
Merle Evans and the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus band
Maximo the Merry, slack wire artist
Rubio Sisters acrobatics
Rieffenach Sisters doing their bareback act
Ella Bradna performs “The Act Beautiful”
Rearing horse
Albert Powell, aerial trapeze and contortionist wonder
Con Colleano,“Torreador of the Tight Wire”
Rellmuts high wire act
Flying Codonas, flying trapeze act, including the passing leap and triple somersault by Alfredo Codona
Backyard scenes, including dancing gaited horse
Part 4
Winter quarters scenes in Florida, various and misc.